Feb 9, 2021

Webinar Mirco Barbero

Webinar Mirco Barbero

Links between the European Green Deal objectives and the soil policy by Mirco Barbero from DG Environment.

Cleaning up contaminated land protects human health and the environment and enables communities and other stakeholders to pursue future beneficial use or reuse of sites and their natural resources for economic, environmental, and societal purposes. However, clean-up activities use energy, water, processed or raw materials, and other natural resources to achieve clean-up objectives and the process of clean-up therefore creates an environmental footprint of its own.
In recent years EPA clean-up programs have learned that we can optimize environmental performance and implement protective clean-ups that are greener by increasing our understanding of the environmental footprint and, when appropriate, taking steps to minimize that footprint. In addition, we have increasingly taken actions to ensure the protectiveness of our remedies and their resilience to increasing impacts of climate change. In this keynote we will explore the symbiotic nature of climate change resilience and climate change mitigation actions applied at contaminated land clean-ups.

This session is hosted by Prof. Dr. Huub Rijnaarts (Wageningen University & Chairman of AquaConSoil)

Presentation Mirco Barbero

Q&A Mirco Barbero

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