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Where and when will the AquaConSoil 2023 congress take place?

We are very happy to announce that AquaConSoil 2023 will be hosted by our friends from Czech University of Life Sciences! It will take place from 11-15 September 2023 in PragueCzech Republic at the University of Life Sciences. 

More information regarding the congress will be posted on this website, our socials and via our mailing list, so make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and sign up for the newsletter!

Where can find information regarding AquaConSoil 2023?

All information regarding the AquaConSoil 2023 congress in Prague can be found here: 

More information regarding the congress will be posted on this website, our socials and via our mailing list, so make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and sign up for the newsletter!

What will the program of AquaConSoil 2023 look like?

First of all, the scientific program of the congress will consist of:

  1. Oral presentations in thematic sessions that consist of 5 presentations
  2. Poster presentations, for which your poster will be on display during all conference days and you will be invited to pitch your poster
  3. Proposal for free sessions, for which the layout of the program of a session is free but should be different from the layout of regular thematic sessions.
  4. Thematic sessions prepared by some of the experts selected by the AquaConSoil Programme Committee. 

Furthermore, we will host a booth exhibitionconference dinner and additional excursions

More information regarding the congress will be posted on this website, our socials and via our mailing list, so make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and sign up for the newsletter!

Where can I submit an abstract?

The abstract submissions have been closed. We are happy that so many abstracts were submitted!

If you still want some information about the abstracts; it can be found on this page, including the submission form and abstract guidelines. The topics can be found here

When will the registration open?

Currently we are working very hard to finish the registration tools for AquaConSoil 2023, which will open very soon!

Find out all you need to know here

If you want to be the first to recieve the opening of registrations, make sure to sign up for the newsletter! More information regarding the registrations will be posted on this website and our socials, so follow us on LinkedIn.

Where can I find the Scientific Programme of AquaConSoil 2023?

All information regarding the AquaConSoil 2023 Scientific Programme can be found here: 


Exhibition - Where can I find more information regarding the exhibition?

Exhibition - What are the costs of a booth?

The price of a booth depends on the location. At the moment, only green booths are available!

Cost structure:

  1. Standard Price Booth: This covers the rental cost for a standard booth space.
  2. Basic booth equipment package: one chair, one table and pop-up wall
  3. Additional Ordered Furniture: If you require any additional furniture beyond the basic package, please fill out the attached form to place your order.

An invoice will be sent by the Deltares for the booth price. The furniture and pop-up wall will be invoiced by our Czech partners. 

Exhibition - Can I order or bring a pop-up wall?

It is required for each stand to have a pop-up wall. While a pop-up wall is included in the basic furniture package, it is not mandatory to order one. 

If you would like to order a pop up wall, please submit the design for your pop-up wall before June 24th via


However, if you choose to bring your own pop-up wall, please ensure that it is between 2 to 3 meters long and approximately 3 meters high. This will help maintain consistency in the exhibition hall and ensure a visually appealing display.