Today marks the UN World Soil Day (WSD), themed 'Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage.' With this eleventh edition, first celebrated in 2014, the UN emphasizes the critical role of accurate soil data to understand soil properties and encourage informed decisions for sustainable soil practices (World Soil Day | United Nations).
We look forward to discussing this theme at next year's AquaConSoil conference. As soils, along with fresh water, are essential for life, it is without question that we should manage our soils sustainably. Especially in the face of climate change and a growing global population, our soils have much to endure. Accurate measurements provide data on the current state of soils, while ongoing monitoring reveals changes over time. This information is crucial for guiding effective soil management practices to ensure food security for both current and future generations.
We hope that today you are inspired by success stories and new insights from fellow soil enthusiasts. If you yourself have an inspiring story to share, make sure to submit your abstract for AquaConSoil 2025 by tomorrow's deadline.