Site visit for AquaConSoil 2023 – FRIDAY 15 September 2023

Our Czech partners have put together a very interesting and relevant excursion programme for Friday the 15th. Make sure to get your tickets, limited spots are available for each excursion!

Buy your tickets here:


  1. Amálie – the smart landscape

  2. Wetlands – Liběchovka and Pšovka brooks

  3. Land management – a practical example of land management

  4. Hydric reclamation – the Lake Most and future rehabilitation plans in the mining region

  5. Mine wastewater treatment - Mine water treatment plant and rehabilitation of heaps

General schedule

All trips have a capacity of 20-30 people and will depart from the CZU campus. 

All the excursions will leave at 9:30, gather at Z019 at 9:15!

Durations are written below for each excursion.

Departure will be at dormitory hall A - GPS: 50.1316067N, 14.3762900E. This is between the Aula and the busstop.

Luggage can be stored in Z019.


1. Amálie – the smart landscape

Located near Lány (45 km, resp. 40 min. out the CZU Prague campus by bus)


The experimental smart landscape of the CZU Prague university continuously monitored using drones and remote sensing. The entire site is equipped with sensors that enable the evaluation of implemented measures and their long-term impact on the landscape. Agrotechnical measures, application of soil additives, mobile anti-erosion measures, as well as retention tanks and wetlands are used.

The guided tour on the smart landscape site with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences specialists (Dr. Tereza Hnátková), working in the water management field.

Walking 3 – 5 km.

Website nature trail 


The tour will take 2.5 – 3 hrs plus traveling (2x 45 minutes) – leaving at 9:30 a.m. and return at approx. 2 p.m.


2. Wetlands – Liběchovka and Pšovka brooks

Located near Mělník (60 km, resp. 55 min. out the CZU Prague campus by bus)


A complex of small-size wetlands of different types in the valleys and floodplains of the two smaller streams of Liběchovka and Pšovka. Along the lower course of the Pšovka stream, black soils have developed on fen soils with a high content of calcium. In deep stream valleys, sandy alluvial sediments are widespread, often waterlogged, creating various wetland biotopes, including pools. The largest proportion of the site is occupied by alder carr, reedbed and sedge wetlands. Some wetlands that were drained and used for agricultural production in the past are, at present, following the cessation of agriculture, in different stages of succession, leading, in most cases, to the recreation of alder carr.

The guided tour showing not only wetlands itself but will also go through the Mšenské pokličky, the Kokořín castle and will stop at Kokořínský důl. The tour is guided by the Faculty of Environmental Sciences specialists (Ass. Prof. Kateřina Berchová), dealing with species protections and invasive species.

Moderate walking 6 – 8 km.

Website nature trail

Website castle


The tour will take 3 – 3.5 hrs plus traveling (2x 55 minutes) – leaving at 9:30 a.m. and return at approx. 3 p.m. 



3. Land management – a practical example of land management

Located near Klapý (62 km, resp. 55 min. out the CZU Prague campus by bus)


The Czech landscape is one of the most picturesque in the Central Europe. Therefore, it is very important to ensure a balanced relationship between the preservation of natural resources and the long-term sustainable development of agriculture. Historically, this landscape has undergone a complex development, mainly due to human action, which was marked by alternating political and economic influences for a long time. The huge effort has been made for the landscape restoration, to be able to provide all the functions that were previously taken out and to dismiss the considerable land fragility and fragmentation.The tour is guided by the Faculty of Environmental Sciences specialists (Ass. Prof. Jan Skaloš), dealing with landscape management.

At the end the tour will include a visit of the Czech Grenade Museum in Třebenice showing a geological and social history of the Central Bohemian region related to mining and extraction of Czech garnet.

Moderate walking 5 – 6 km.

Trail and photo website

Museum website


The tour will take 2 – 3 hrs plus traveling (2x 55 minutes) – leaving at 9:30 a.m. and return at approx. 2:30 p.m. 


4. Hydric reclamation – the Lake Most and future rehabilitation plans in the mining region

Located near Most (90 km, resp. 75 min. out the CZU Prague campus by bus)


The tour showing the latest hydric reclamation of former brown coals mine called Ležáky, now the Lake Most. The hydric reclamation, having the long tradition in the Northern Bohemian region, helping to restore large areas to a new, permanent state, creating a new landscape plus helping to restore climate in the area. The Lake Most represents a large-scale hydraulic reclamation realised by the state enterprise DIAMO as part of the revitalisation of the Northern Bohemia mines area. The reclamation of the entire area is designed from the outset so that the area can be used for suburban recreation.

The guided tour showing not only the finished lake but also showing the future rehabilitation plans of the largest open cast brown coal mine in the region including the visit at the Jezeří castle. The tour is guided by the Faculty of Environmental Sciences specialists (Ass. Prof. Lenka Wimmerová), dealing with environmental management and circularity, in the cooperation with the Brown Coal Research Institute (Dr. Michal Řehoř), monitoring and assessing environmental impacts of the Norther Bohemian mines.

Walking 4 – 6 km.

Lake reclamation website

Castle website


The tour will take 4 – 4.5 hrs plus traveling (2x 75 minutes) – leaving at 9:30 a.m. and return at approx. 3:30 – 4 p.m. 


5. Mine water treatment – Mine water treatment plant (ČDV) and heap‘s remediation

Located near Příbram and operated by the branch plant, Administration of Uranium Deposits Příbram (DIAMO, o.z. SUL) (80 km, 70 min. by bus from the CULS Prague campus)


Mine water treatment plant and heap‘s remediation: As part of the removal of consequences of mining and processing of uranium, polymetallic ores and coal, the DIAMO state enterprise pays special attention to environmental protection, focusing on its most vulnerable component – water. The integral part of DIAMO‘s activities is the treatment and discharge of mine water in former uranium mining sites and other mineral ore mines. Water discharged into local rivers meets legislative limits. This is also ensured by one of the five operated by ČDV by DIAMO (o.z. SUL Příbram), the mine water treatment plant at the Š. 19, Czech Republic. Uranium heaps are being rehabilitated and mined.

The tour is guided by the DIAMO, o.z. SUL specialists (Dr. Petr Brůček and Ing. Miroslav Růžička).

Walking 1 km

State-owned enterprise website


The tour will take 1 – 1.5 hours plus travel (2x 75 minutes) – leaving at 9:30 a.m. and return at approx. 1:30 – 2 p.m.